Supervision and Supervisors

Faculty members of “lecturer” rank and above at Hebrew University, on the regular academic track, including retirees, are eligible to supervise doctoral dissertations. Faculty members from recognized universities in Israel and abroad may participate in supervision together with faculty members from Hebrew University, provided they are eligible to supervise doctoral students at their home institution.

Upon the recommendation of the dean and with the approval of the head of the Authority for Research Students, faculty members from other tracks at Hebrew University who are suitably qualified and provided they hold a doctoral degree and engage in research activity, may participate in doctoral supervision alongside faculty members who are entitled to supervise. In exceptional cases, the dean and the head of the Authority for Research Students may grant faculty members from these tracks the right to supervise independently.

In order to ensure uninterrupted supervision of the research student, a Faculty shall make general or specific arrangements, to be approved by the Authority for Research Students, in cases such as: the proposed supervisor is a non-tenured faculty member on the regular track, the proposed supervisor retired, etc.

Procedure for Granting Supervisory Rights to Experts Without Independent Supervisory Rights:

  1. The supervisor from the Hebrew University who is eligible to supervise, the recommended expert, and the head of the relevant department will submit a reasoned request to the dean to appoint the expert as a co-supervisor for a specific research student. The request should include a complete CV, an updated list of publications, and a list of graduate students previously supervised by the expert.
  2. The request, along with the dean's recommendation, will be forwarded to the Authority for Research Students.
  3. The Authority for Research Students will review the request. If approved, the expert will be appointed as an ad-hoc supervisor for the specific student, alongside a regular faculty member.
  4. This procedure applies to both external experts (excluding academic faculty members at Israeli universities who are eligible to supervise at their institutions) and to Hebrew University faculty members employed in tracks other than the regular track.


דוקטורט מא' ועד ת'