A research student who wishes to terminate his studies for a specific period or entirely, must notify his supervisor/s. The student and his supervisor/s will notify the Authority for Research Students regarding this decision in writing.
A research student who wishes to terminate his studies in the course of the academic year, must notify also the Tuition and Fees Department.
The request of a research student to renew his studies after a period of leave shall be considered by the Authority for Research students. The decision of the Authority regarding renewal of the student's studies shall be based on the possibilities of renewing the research and supervision depending on the period of leave, the progress in the field of science during this period and the status of the student's research in light of these changes.
A supervisor that is not pleased with the student’s progress may suggest to the Authority for Research Students to stop the student’s research. The Authority shall decide whether to accept the suggestion, or to assign the student to another supervisor.