Please note, the information presented here is relevant for the years 1997 and forth.
Alumni Search
Last Name | First name | Department / Field | Faculty | Title | Supervisor | Year of Graduation |
Feigelson | Sivan | Biochemistry, Metabolism & Endocrinology | Faculty of Medicine | Adipose Tissue Modifications as a Result of Drastic Weight Changes A Perspective on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Prof. M. Linial, Prof. R. Weiss | 2019 |
Feigenbaum | Jeffery J. | Neurobiology | Medicine | On The Interaction of Drugs of Abuse (Opiates) with Central Dopaminergic Mechanisms | 2014 | |
Feinberg | Gitai | Physics | Science | Study of the 7Li(p,n) Reaction Towards Measurements of Neutron-Capture Cross Sections in the Astrophysical s-process with the SARAF Accelerator and a Liquid-Lithium Target | Prof. M. Paul | 2015 |
Feine | Oren | Human & Mammalian Genetics | Science | SCF and APC/C Substrates in the Somatic and Embryonic Cell Cycle | Prof. M. Brandeis | 2012 |
Feinholtz | Noam | Communication and Journalism | Social Sciences | Dead Broadcast - Cinema's Struggle with TV and the Internet | Prof. P. Frosh | 2015 |
Fekete | Tomer | Computational Neuroscience | Science | Topology, Geometry and Representation | Prof. I. Pitowsky, Prof. A. Grinvald | 2010 |
Feldman | Alexander | Applied Chemistry | Science | Crystallographic Study of Microcrystalline Arrays in Composite Materials and Polymer Blends | Prof. G. Marom, Prof. A. Weinberg | 2008 |
Feldman | Daria | Agroecology & Plant Health | Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Mechanisms of Pleurotus ostreatus and Neurospora crassa Tolerance to Furans | Prof. Y. Hadar, Prof. O. Yarden | 2019 |
Feldman | Nirit | Molecular Biology | Medicine | Epigenetic Regulation of the Oct-3/4 Gene | Prof. Y. Bergman | 2008 |
Feldman | Mark | Oral Biology | Dental-Medicine | The Effect of Cranberry Extract on Dental Biofilm Constituents | Prof. D. Steinberg, Prof. E. Weiss | 2010 |
Feldman Samet | Hadar | Jewish Thought | Faculty of Humanities | The Songs of the Sabbatian "Ma'aminim" in the Ottoman Cultural Context | Prof. P. Maciejko | 2019 |
Feldmann | Tomer | Cellular Biology | Medicine | Cardiac Steroids Mechanism of Action in Mammalian Cells | Prof. H. Rosen | 2009 |
Fendyur | Anna | Neurobiology | Medicine | Analysis of Mitochondrial Calcium Dynamics in Hippocampal Neurites | Prof. R. Rahaminoff (deceased), Prof. M. Spira | 2009 |
Fensterheim | Gedalia | Social Work | Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare | The Social and Communal Role of Synagogues in Ra’anana | Prof. J. Gal, Prof. R. Cnaan | 2021 |
Fenton | Miriam | History of Jewish People & Contemporary Jewry | Faculty of Humanities | Everyday Life, Identity, and Communal Relations @@A Comparison of Ashkenaz and the Crown of Aragon, c.1200-1347 | Prof. Elisheva Baumgarten | 2023 |
Fernandess | Yaacov | Computer Science | Science | On Collaborative Information Spreading Via Randomized Gossip | Prof. D. Malkhi | 2010 |
Feuchtwanger | David Meir | Political Science | Social Sciences | The Political Thought of Rabbi Solomon Ben Adret (Rashba) | Prof. Z. Harvey, Dr. J. Macy | 2008 |
Feuermann | Yonatan | Animal Sciences | Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences | The Role of Leptin in Lactogenesis in Bovine Mammary Gland | Dr. A. Shamay. Dr. S. J. Mabjeesh | 2008 |
Fialkoff | Yonatan | Communication & Journalism | Faculty of Social Sciences | Communicating Metacommunication: The Cultural Discourse of "Communication Skills" | Prof. A. Pinchevski | 2022 |
Filippov-Levy | Natalie | School of Pharmacy | Faculty of Medicine | The Role of Non-Coding RNA in Ovarian Tumor Progression | Prof. R. Reich | 2020 |
Findler | Mordechai | Bio-Medical Sciences in Dentistry | Faculty of Dental-Medicine | Decision Making in the Management of Dental Public Clinics in the Presence of a Financial Stability Paradox between Private and Public Chain Clinics | Prof. J. Mann, Prof. A. Zini | 2019 |
Finesilver | Gershon | Cellular Biology | Science | Utilizing Organ Derived Micro-Scaffolds to Enhance Cell Functionality, Differentiation and Survival | Prof. E. Mitrani | 2015 |
Fink | Michael | Computational Neuroscience | Science | Acquiring a New Class from a Few Examples: Learning Recurrent Domain Structures in Humans and Machines | Prof. G. Ben-Shakhar, Prof. S. Ullman | 2012 |
Fink | Lea | Chemistry | the Faculty of Science | Structure and Interaction Between Charged and Dipolar Lipid Membranes in Multivalent Salt Solutions | Prof. U. Raviv | 2021 |
Finkel | Omri | Computational Biology | Science | Microbial Epiphytes on A Salt Secreting Desert Tree | Prof. S. Belkin | 2015 |