Alumni Search

Please note, the information presented here is relevant for the years 1997 and forth.

Last Name First name Department / Field Faculty Title Supervisor Year of Graduation
Weinshall-Shahar Ophir Sociology & Anthropology Faculty of Social Sciences Dynamics of Marginalization: An Institutional Organizational Analysis of Two Israeli Environmental Education Cases Prof. G. Drori 2021
Weinstein Ofir Moran Business Administration School of Business Administration Investment in Financial Structured Products from Rational and Behavioral Choice Perspectives Prof. U. Procaccia, Prof. Z. Wiener 2012
Weinstein-Fudim Liza Neurobiology the Faculty of Medicine The Role of Epigenetics and Oxidative Stress in Valproic Acid–Induced ASD Like Symptoms in Mice and Attempts for Treatment With the Methyl Donor S-Adenosyl Methionine Prof. E. Kerem, Prof. A. Ornoy 2022
Weinstein-Marom Hadas Cell Biology, Immunology & Cancer Research Medicine Membrane-attached Cytokines Expressed by mRNA Electroporation: New T Cell Genetic Adjuvants for Adoptive Cell Therapy Prof. T. Peretz, Prof. G. Gross 2016
Weinstock Moshe Jewish Thought Humanities Faith and Halacha in the Modern World: The Writings and Philosophies of Rabbi Yisra'el and Rabbi Baruch Yitzchak Lipschutz Prof. S. Rosenberg 2009
Weisblum Yiska Microbiology Medicine Mechanisms of Human Cytomegalovirus Transmission and Pathogenesis in the Maternal-Fetal Interface Prof. D. Wolf, Prof. Z. Zakay-Rones and Prof. A. Panet 2017
Weisel Ori Psychology Social Sciences Cooperation and Punishment in Public Good Dilemmas with Incomplete Information Prof. G. Bornstein 2012
Weisinger Karen Development and Differentiation The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment The Role of FGF Signaling during Chick Hindbrain Development Dr. D. Sela-Donenfeld 2012
Weisman Shirili Sarah Law Faculty of Law Torah Study for Women Prof. H. Ben-Menahem 2021
Weisman Hana Human & Mammalian Genetics Medicine Influence of Sensory Modulation Disorder Attendant to Tourette Syndrome on the Patients Tics Characteristics, co-morbidities, Quality of Life and Participation in Daily Life Prof. S. Parush, Prof. A. Apter 2015
Weiss Yakov Geology Science Microinclusions in Diamonds: Composition, Source and Mantle Metasomatism Prof. O. Navon 2012
Weiss Naama Communication & Journalism Faculty of Social Sciences Populism in Israel: Production, Mediation and Public Attitudes Prof. T. Sheafer, Prof. K. Tenenboim-Weinblatt 2022
Weiss Yitzhak (Tzahi) Jewish Thought Humanities Letters by Which Heaven and Earth Were Created' A Conceptual Examination of Attitudes toward Alphabetical Letters as Independent Units in Jewish and Culturally Affiliated Sources of Late Antiquity: Midrash, Mysticism and Magic Prof. M. Idel, Dr. A. Dykman 2009
Weiss Ron Cellular Biology Science Shading Light into the Molecular and Neuronal Networks of the Circadian Clock Dr. S. Kadener 2015
Weiss Shirley Neurobiology Medicine Ca2+ Buffering by Calphotin is Essential for Prevention of Light Induced Retinal Degeneration Prof. B. Minke 2013
Weiss Ester Chemistry Faculty of Science Nano and Microcapsules as Platforms for Heterogeneous Catalysis Prof. R. Abu-Reziq 2018
Weiss Michal Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Phenomenological, Cognitive, Social and Emotional Aspects of Vulnerable Narcissism: Comparison With the Close Constructs of Grandiose Narcissism and Avoidant Personality Prof. J. D. Huppert 2020
Weiss Gad Plant Science the Faculty of Science Interactions of the Cyanobacteria With Their Environment as a Means to Exterminate Toxic Cyanobacteria Blooms Prof. A. Kaplan, Prof. A. Sukenik 2021
Weiss Ido D. Cellular Immunology Medicine Role of Cytokines and Chemokines in Regulating the Proliferation and Trafficking of NK Cells During Physiological and Pathological Conditions Dr. A. Peled 2008
Weiss Ronen Physics the Faculty of Science The Generalized Nuclear Contact Formalism and Short-Range Correlations in Nuclear Systems Prof. N. Barnea 2022
Weiss Yaacov Computer Science Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering Querying with Examples Prof. S. Cohen 2018
Weiss Mosheiff Noga Physics Faculty of Science Encoding and Dynamics in Noisy Biological Systems Prof. Y. Burak 2020
Weiss-Sadan Tommy School of Pharmacy Faculty of Medicine Cysteine Proteases Cathepsins: From Basic Science to Translational Applications Prof. G. Blum 2020
Weissbein Amir Zvi Physics the Faculty of Science Galactic Center Dynamics Prof. R. Sari 2021
Weissbein Uri Genetics Faculty of Science Genetic and Epigenetic Regulation of Cell Growth and Tumorigenicity of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells Prof. N. Benvenisty 2019
