Alumni Search

Please note, the information presented here is relevant for the years 1997 and forth.

Last Name First name Department / Field Faculty Title Supervisor Year of Graduation
Wand Amir Molecular Biology Science Investigation of Photobiology with Advanced Ultrafast Spectroscopy Prof. S. Ruhman 2015
Wang Zhongfu Soil and Water Sciences the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment The Role of Time-Dependent Contact Angle on Water Retention and Flow in Water-Repellent Soils Prof. R. Wallach 2022
Wang Qiuling Soil and Water Sciences The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment The Role of Contact Angle on Flow and Unstable Flow Formation in Sub-critically Repellent Porous Media Prof. R. Wallach, Dr. E. Graber 2015
Wang Ru Plantsciences in Agriculture the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Increased Production of Flavonoids and Stilbenes in Vitis vinifera cv. Gamay Red Cell Suspension Prof. D. Weiss, Prof. M. Oren-Shamir 2023
Warburg Gabriela Microbiology Medicine Molecular Epidemiology and Contribution of Plasmid-Mediated Antibiotic Resistance Genes to the Evolution of Resistance Among Clinical Enterobacteriaceae Dr. J. Strahilevitz 2014
Warshawsky Keri Zelson Jewish Education Humanities RETURNING TO THEIR OWN BORDERS A Social Anthropological Study of Contemporary Messianic Jewish Identity in Israel Prof. G. Horenczyk, Dr. Z. Bekerman 2008
Warwar Nasim Endocrinology Medicine Pancreatic β-cell Distal Pathways: Role in Regulated Insulin Release Dr. R. Nesher 2008
Warwick Rebekah Neorobiology Medicine The Role of Satellite Glial Cells in Sensory Ganglia in Models of Human Neuropathic Pain Disorders Prof. M. Hanani 2016
Wasserman Varda Sociology, Business Administration Social Sciences, School of Business Administration On the Power of the Beautiful – Organizational Aesthetics as a Control Tool Dr. M. Frenkel, Prof. A. Kluger 2010
Wasserteil Amihai Law Faculty of Law The Role of Desert in Tort Law Prof. R. Segev 2022
Waysband Edward Russian Studies Humanities Orphic Text in Russian Post-Symbolist Poetry Prof. R. Timenchik 2010
Weber Nurit Geology the Faculty of Science The Ein Qedem Springs, Dead Sea – Geological History and Key Role in Depositing Prominent Gypsum Structures During the Holocene Prof. B. Lazar, Prof. M. Stein, Prof. Y. Yechieli 2021
Weber Gadi Charles Jewish Thought Faculty of Humanities Studies on R. Yaaqov Anatoli's Malmad Ha-Talmidim Dr. C. Rigo 2019
Weigelt-Maron Hayley Occupational Therapy Medicine Efficient Typing Learning Process: A Comparison between Students with Learning Disabilities (Reading and/or Writing Disabilities) in Comparison to Normally Achieving Students Dr. N. Weintraub 2014
Weil Gilad Geography Faculty of Social Sciences Classifying Woody Mediterranean Species Using Spectral and Phenological Observations Prof. N. Levin, Prof. I. Lensky 2019
Weil-Lotan Dorit Psychology Faculty of Social Sciences Nursing- An Occupation Seeking its Identity: Between Profession and Gender Prof. I. Katz 2018
Weiler Gur Arye Adam Philosophy Humanities Inquiries into the Philosophy of Thomas Reid Prof. M. Steiner 2012
Wein Yossi Animal & Veterinary Science the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment Investigation of Mechanisms by Which Stress Affects Poultry Peripheral Blood Leukocytes Prof. A. Friedman 2021
Weinberg-Shukron Ariella Human Genetics Faculty of Medicine Elucidating the Genetic Basis of Monogenic Endocrine Disorders in Consanguineous Families Prof. E. Levy-Lahad, Prof. D. Zangen 2019
Weinberger Israel Atmospheric Sciences the Faculty of Science An Empirical Approach for Upward Wave Propagation in the Troposphere and Stratosphere Prof. C. Garfinkel 2022
Weinberger Shalom Applied Physics Science Gas Phase Nano Chemical Lithography Prof. A. Lewis 2012
Weiner Assaf Computer Science Science Systematic Dissection of Chromatin Roles in Transcription Regulation Prof. N. Friedman 2017
Weingarten-Baror Carmiya Animal Breeding and Genetics Agricultural, Food and Environmental Quality Sciences Derivation of Valid Biological Knowledge from Cross-Species Hybridization to Spotted cDNA Microarrays Prof. H. Czosnek 2008
Weinsberg Yaron Computer Science Science An Operating System Specification for Dynamic Code Offloading to Programmable Devices Prof. D. Dolev 2008
Weinshall-Margel Keren Political Science Social Sciences Political Decision Making by the Judiciary: Israel in a Comparative Perspective Prof. M. Hofnung 2012
