Please note, the information presented here is relevant for the years 1997 and forth.
Alumni Search
Last Name | First name | Department / Field | Faculty | Title | Supervisor | Year of Graduation |
Segev-Jacubovski | Orit | Occupational Therapy - Advanced Studies | Faculty of Medicine | Positive Psychological Factors, Functional Ability, Participation and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults After Hip Fracture | Prof. A. Maeir, Dr. H. Magen | 2020 |
Segev-Yekutiel | Hadas | Genetics | Faculty of Science | Characterization of the Cell Cycle Transitions Between Early and Late G1 and Into G0 | Prof. M. Brandeis | 2020 |
Seidel Posner | Einat | Cell Biology, Immunology & Cancer Research | the Faculty of Medicine | Viral Immune Evasion Mechanisms | Prof. O. Mandelboim | 2022 |
Seidel-Malkinson | Tal | Brain Sciences | Science | Modulating Factors in Visual Motion Perception | Prof. E. Zohary, Prof. M. Ahissar | 2015 |
Seifan | Tal | Evolution | Science | Long-term Influences of Decision-making: Plant-Pollinator Interactions and their Outcomes | Prof. U. Motro, Prof. Y. Kareev | 2008 |
Sela | Shay | Molecular Biology | Medicine | Regulation and Roles of Soluble Flt1 in Physiology and Pathophysiology | Prof. E. Keshet | 2009 |
Sela | Ilan | Cellular Biology | Medicine | Determination of Sialic Acid Involvement in Hereditary Inclusion Body Myopathy and Generation of a Mouse Model | Prof. S. Mitrani-Rosenbaum | 2011 |
Sela | Sarig | Musicology | Faculty of Humanities | Division Ornamentation Practice – Guidelines, Theory and Statistical Evidence A Case Study Based on Giovanni Bassano’s Transcriptions Using a Computational Approach | Prof. R. Granot | 2021 |
Sela | Dotan | Molecular Biology | Medicine | Regulation of Protein-DNA Interactions at the Mitochondrial DNA Replication Origin in Trypanosomatids | Prof. Y. Shlomai | 2009 |
Sela | Moran | Psychology | Faculty of Social Sciences | Cognitive Differences between Opinions and Facts | Prof. A. Maril | 2019 |
Sela | Yaron | Business Administration | School of Business Administration | Listening to the Powerful and Powerful Listening: How Power Position and Self-Enhancement Values Moderate the Effects of Capitalization and Social Support on Intimacy and Well-Being? | Prof. A. N. Kluger | 2019 |
Selanikyo | Efrat | Occupational Therapy - Advanced Studies | Medicine | The Efficacy of a Collaborative Consultation Intervention Model in Enhancing Participation Among Students with Intellectual Disabilities | Prof. N. Weintraub,Dr. S. Yalon-Chamovitz | 2017 |
Seldin | Yevgeny | Computer Science | Science | A PAC-Bayesian Approach to Structure Learning | Prof. N. Tishby | 2010 |
Seligmann | Ron | Plant Science in Agriculture | The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | The Coupling between Calcium and Water Transport in the Whole Plant Non-destructive Measurements Using Radio-Sr as Tracer | Prof. A. Schwartz, Dr. A. Bar-Tal | 2017 |
Semel | Zvi | Musicology | Faculty of Humanities | Voices from the Valley of Shadows of Death - The Vocal Music in Ghetto Terezin | Prof. M. Consoni, Prof. R. HaCohen | 2019 |
Semel | Yaniv | Plant Sciences | The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | System's Approach for the Analysis of Complex Traits in Plants | Prof. D. Zamir | 2010 |
Semyonov | Olga | Psychology | Faculty of Social Sciences | The Good, the Bad and the Ambiguous: The Perception and Representation of Extreme Facial Expressions | Prof. H. Aviezer | 2019 |
Seonghun | Ryu | Pharmacology | Medicine | Nitroxides, Oxidative Stress and Diabetic Embryopathy-Studies on the Sabra and Cohen Diabetic Rat Model | Prof. R. Kohen, Prof. A. Ornoy, Prof. A. Samuni | 2010 |
Serdtse | Yan | Social Work | Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare | Fatherhood Participation and Perceptions of Fatherhood Among Infant's Fathers: The Case of Israeli and FSU Born Fathers | Prof. O. Tishby | 2021 |
Seri-Levi | Na'ama | History of Jewish People & Contemporary Jewry | Faculty of Humanities | Not Yet Lost Polish-Jewish Refugees in the Soviet Union During World War II | Prof. E. Lederhendler, Prof. Y. Weiss | 2022 |
Seri-Levi | Ariel | Jewish Thoughts | Faculty of Humanities | Divine Anger and Its Appeasement in the Pentateuch and Its Sources | Prof. M. Halbertal, Prof. B. Schwartz | 2021 |
Serruya | Raphael | Biochemistry, Metabolism & Endocrinology | Faculty of Medicine | Role of Human RNase P Ribonucleoprotein in Transcription by RNA Polymerase III | Prof. N. Jarrous | 2019 |
Servili | Evrim | Structural and Molecular Biochemistry | Faculty of Science | Regulation of Excitation-Transcription Coupling by Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels | Prof. D. Atlas | 2020 |
Setteboun | Hana-Muriel | Economics | Social Sciences | Issues in Private-Equity and Venture-Capital | Prof. E. Sheshinski | 2010 |
Sever | Dror | Chemistry | Medicine | The in vivo Role of the Transcription Factor NF-κB in the NOD/ToIβ Mouse Model | Prof. D. Melloul | 2015 |