Please note, the information presented here is relevant for the years 1997 and forth.
Alumni Search
Last Name | First name | Department / Field | Faculty | Title | Supervisor | Year of Graduation |
Oren | Israel | Plantsciences in Agriculture | Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Coupling of the Canopy and the Root System Through Carbon Dynamics in Tropical Trees | Prof. J. M. Grünzweig | 2020 |
Orgad | Liav | Law | Law | Legitimate and Illegitimate Criteria for Regulating Immigration: Europe, Israel and the United States | Prof. B. Medina | 2011 |
Orian | Adi | General and Comparative Literature | Humanities | Lord Byron's Cain and Hebrew Melodies in their Hebrew Translations during the 19th Century | Dr. Aminadav Dykman, Dr. Ze'ev Hirst | 2013 |
Orlanski | Shari | Cell Biology, Immunology & Cancer Research | Medicine | Dynamics of DNA Methylation During Development | Prof. Y. Bergman | 2017 |
Orlitsky | Tal | Social Work | Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare | The Contributions of Different Forms of Parenting to Empathy Development During Infancy | Prof. M. Davidov | 2022 |
Orlovetskie | Natalie | Microbiology | Faculty of Medicine | Roles of RNase P Ribonucleoprotein in Transcription and Processing of tRNA | Prof. N. Jarrous | 2020 |
Orlyanchik | Vladimir | Physics | Science | Non-equilibrium Transport Effects in Anderson Insulators | Prof. Z. Ovadyahu | 2008 |
Oron-Gottesman | Adi | Microbiology | Medicine | A Newly Discovered Secret of Escherichia coli Genetic Code | Prof. H. Engelberg-Kulka, Prof. G. Bachrach | 2017 |
Orr | Gilad | Applied Physics | Science | Investigation of Top-seeded Solution Growth Kinetics of β-BBO Crystals | Prof. M. Roth | 2013 |
Orr | Zvika | Poblic Policy | Social Sciences | International Norms, Local Moralities and Public Policies Concerning the Human Body: The Case of Organ Trafficking in Israel | Prof. D. Golan, Prof. D. Levi-Faur, Prof. N. Scheper-Hughes | 2017 |
Oser | Jennifer | School of Public Policy | Social Sciences | Expanded Citizen Participation and Participatory Equality: A Vicious or Virtuous Circle? | Prof. I. Galnoor, Prof. M. Shalev | 2012 |
Osheroff | Eli | Islamic & Middle East Stud. | Faculty of Humanities | The Jewish Question, the Palestine Problem and Forgotten Political Solutions: The Arab Perspective, 1908-1948 | Prof. H. Cohen-Bar, Prof. I. Gershoni | 2022 |
Oshri | Odelia | Political Science | Social Sciences | United We Stand? Divided Voices in European Identity | Prof. T. Sheafer, Prof. S. Shenhav | 2017 |
Ostrov | Ievgeniia | Bio-Medical Sciences in Dentistry | Faculty of Dental-Medicine | Investigating the Role of Biofilm Formation in Bacterial Survival in a Dairy Associated Environment | Prof. D. Steinberg, Dr. M. Shemesh | 2020 |
Ostrovsky | Gilad | Geography | Social Sciences | Shifting Responsibility in Environmental Policy: Extend Producer Responsibility in Neo-Liberal Era | Prof. E. Feitelson | 2017 |
Ostrovsky-Berman | Ela | Business Administration | School of Business Administration | Media Interviews Given by CEOs of Public Companies: Causes and Consequences | Prof. E. Goldman, Prof. M. Levy | 2019 |
Otman | Abeer | Social Work | Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare | Fatherhood in the Settler Colonial Context: The Case of Occupied East Jerusalem | Prof. N. Shalhoub-Kevorkian | 2021 |
Ouaknine | Keren Audrey | Computer Science | Rachel and Selim Benin School of Computer Science and Engineering | Optimization of Big Data Systems | Prof. S. Kirkpatrick | 2018 |
Ounallah-Saad | Hadile | Neurobiology | Medicine | Regulation of Murine Presenilin 2 Expression: Effects of Stress and Glucocorticoid Modulation | Prof. R. Gabizon, Prof. E. Levy-Lahad | 2012 |
Ouziely- Mirsky | Sharon | Agr. Economics & Management | The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Violation of Private Property Rights as a Recession-Preserving Government Policy in the Ottoman Empire from the Middle of the Sixteenth Century till Prior to the Industrial Revolution | Prof. Y. Plessner (deceased) | 2017 |
Ovadia | Oded | Pharmaceutics | Medicine | Investigation of the Relationship Between Peptide Structure and their Drug- Like Properties | Prof. A. Hoffman | 2011 |
Ovadia | Yaniv Shlomo | Nutrition Sciences | Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment | Iodine Deficiency and Public Health: New Causes for an Old Concern? | Prof. A. M. Troen, Dr. D. Gefel | 2018 |
Oved | Moshe | Social Work | Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare | The Relationship between Individuals' Social Network and their Well Being: The Case of Visually Impaired University Students | Prof. U. Yanai | 2019 |
Oved-Gelber | Tamar | Pharmacology | Medicine | Involvement of MDR1 Gene in Interactions between Natural killer Cells and Malignant Cells | Prof. P. Lazarovici, Dr. H. Galski | 2010 |
Oweis | Walaa | Genetics | the Faculty of Science | Cellular Systems for the Identification of Pathological Pathways in Huntington’s Disease | Prof. E. Meshorer | 2023 |